Monday, December 17, 2012


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Due to the senseless and horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut our District has implemented some additional crisis prevention measures for the safety of our children and staff. In most cases, the District is just tightening up safety protocols that are already in place; however, we have implemented new preventative measures that will be inconvenient to the public and the educational flow throughout our schools. We know that not all tragedies can be prevented, but we need to do everything possible to keep our children and staff out of harm's way.

While there are only a few changes, we ask that everyone be patient and cooperate with the District in providing a safe environment for all.  Because our buildings were designed before tragedies like Columbine (1999) and that of Sandy Hook, we have multiple entries into the building that will have to be redirected. These changes will come at some inconvenience to the students, staff and public, but are necessary. We want to do everything possible to prevent and prepare for possible emergencies in our community. Restricting unmonitored access to students and staff is the first step.

Public Access Changes:
  1. All doors except for the main entries will be locked.
  2. All access into any of the buildings by visitors must flow through the main entries.
  3. All visitors must check in at the front office of the respective school visited and receive appropriate visitor tags to be worn while they are in the building. This includes parents, past students and community members.
  4. Please drop students off at the main entries. A building administrator will be present in the entry of each school to greet and meet students upon morning arrival. 
Thank you for your cooperation. Your efforts make a difference in the lives of our children.  It is with our children in mind, that we take on this difficult, yet necessary work.

Our prayers, thoughts and sympathies go out to the lives of the children and adults lost at Sandy Hook Elementary. Words cannot express the sadness felt by all over this horrific event.

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