At the last calendar meeting on January 31, 2011 there were 56 in attendance that discussed our district's calendar needs. A lot of ideas were brought to the table by our stakeholders (students, teachers, parents and community members). I was very pleased with the interest and input by all. This type of attendance certainly indicates a heightened desire for achievement. With this kind of input I believe we will be able to develop a better school calendar that best serves our students.
Our next meeting will be February 28, 2011 at 6:30 PM in the Multi-Purpose Complex (elementary cafeteria). At this time, we will review the survey data that has been recently collected from parents, students and teachers. We will also review other types of data like academic, attendance, discipline, graduation, as well as demographic information. There will be a rough draft of the 2011-2012 Activity Schedule from the Activity Director, Alan Pule for addition calendar consideration. Upon data review we will break into groups for discussion and then strategically outline changes we need to consider. We will then use the base calendar as a starting point for change considerations.
This has been an exciting process that has been very student focused. I hope everyone will be able to join us.
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