Thursday, December 20, 2012


We wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and happy New Year!


The St. Ignatius Administrative Team (left to right): Superintendent, Bob Lewandowski; District Assistant Clerk, Adam Hawkaluk; Maintenance Director, Steve McCullum; Elementary Principal, Cherie Stobie; Technology Director, Matt Lyon; High School Principal, Jason Sargent; and District Clerk, Neil Easter. 

Break begins on Friday, December 21, 2012  at 12:30 PM
School Resumes on January 2, 2013 at its regular times.

Monday, December 17, 2012


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Due to the senseless and horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut our District has implemented some additional crisis prevention measures for the safety of our children and staff. In most cases, the District is just tightening up safety protocols that are already in place; however, we have implemented new preventative measures that will be inconvenient to the public and the educational flow throughout our schools. We know that not all tragedies can be prevented, but we need to do everything possible to keep our children and staff out of harm's way.

While there are only a few changes, we ask that everyone be patient and cooperate with the District in providing a safe environment for all.  Because our buildings were designed before tragedies like Columbine (1999) and that of Sandy Hook, we have multiple entries into the building that will have to be redirected. These changes will come at some inconvenience to the students, staff and public, but are necessary. We want to do everything possible to prevent and prepare for possible emergencies in our community. Restricting unmonitored access to students and staff is the first step.

Public Access Changes:
  1. All doors except for the main entries will be locked.
  2. All access into any of the buildings by visitors must flow through the main entries.
  3. All visitors must check in at the front office of the respective school visited and receive appropriate visitor tags to be worn while they are in the building. This includes parents, past students and community members.
  4. Please drop students off at the main entries. A building administrator will be present in the entry of each school to greet and meet students upon morning arrival. 
Thank you for your cooperation. Your efforts make a difference in the lives of our children.  It is with our children in mind, that we take on this difficult, yet necessary work.

Our prayers, thoughts and sympathies go out to the lives of the children and adults lost at Sandy Hook Elementary. Words cannot express the sadness felt by all over this horrific event.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The Mrs. Shock, Mrs. Hout and the SECOND GRADE delivered 99.4 pounds of foot to the food pantry today! The also made chilli bags as well. It is great to see this type of community service at work in our school, let alone at the SECOND GRADE!


OHhh Yeah!


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Our school faces many unique challenges and issues. After extensive administrative and board discussions, due to the number of down and failing students  in both the Middle School and High School at the end of the 2012 Fall Quarter as well as the results of the Prevention Needs Assessment, the Montana Youth Risks Behavior Survey of at-risk students, the District will be seeking a full-time Middle School Principal to provide immediate administrative proximity and involvement with students, parents, teachers and community to help our students succeed.  This position will help address and strengthen student standard proficiency, attendance, dropout rate, disciplinary issues, at-risk behavior as well as the State's AYP corrective actions at both the Middle and High Schools.

Qualified (K-12 principal certification) in-house candidates are preferred to offset financial costs. The start date for the position will be January 2, 2013. Applications from qualified candidates will be accepted immediately. If an in-house candidate is selected, replacement scenarios will be reviewed with a student-centered approach and discussed by the board. The Board will interview candidates on Friday, December 28, 2012 and make a potential hire by special meeting following the interview.

 At this time, the number of students that are academically at-risk of failure complicated by the behavioral at-risk factors calls for immediate action as described above. 

The District will be hosting a community & parent meeting in January to review the at-risk data to mobilize our efforts in identifying the antecedents necessary to address our students' needs.  

The following ACTION PLANS are being implemented to provide students with the additional support needed for academic achievement and success.

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ACTION: School Wide Program: Strategies to Address Student Needs, Opportunities for Student Proficiency

  1. The District (by school) will identify students at-risk of not being proficient or above in reading, math, English, social studies and science as indicated by the Mont CAS, DIBELS, MAP, classroom assessments, and/or classroom mid-term and term reports.
  2. The District (by school) will develop an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and identify specific skill deficiencies for every student who is at-risk of not being proficient or above.
  3. The District (by school) will provide a response to intervention for identified students through a tiered process.
  4. Identified skill deficiencies and interventions will be complemented by a progress-monitoring instrument maintained by the classroom teacher for each deficient skill. This process will be developed in the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) on Mileposts.
  5. Student progress will be continuously monitored (by school and classroom teacher). 
  6. Each student’s personalized learning plan and program will be tracked using a data-warehousing instrument called Mileposts by Silverback Learning and made available to the administration and classroom teachers.
  7. Individualized programs, plans and interventions will be developed by the classroom teacher with support from the building administration and instructional facilitator in an ILP that will involve parent meetings and monitoring. All program and plans will be housed in the Mileposts program.
  8. The District (by school) will seek best practices and utilize on-line programs and technology interventions that enhance student skills and provided differentiated instructional solutions.
  9. Common core standard instruction will be implemented and utilized to describe student needs and targeted outcomes.
  10. Provide staff development and support through an instructional facilitator (coach) for embedded instruction and practice for the successful implementation of objectives 1-9.
  11. Follow through with  strategies identified in Goal Area 1: Student Achievement in the District Strategic Plan 2011-2016
STUDENT BEHAVIOR ACTION: School Wide Program: Strategies to Address Student Needs, Opportunities for Student Proficiency

  1. Increase administrative proximity and involvement with students, parents and teachers to improve attendance, drop-out rate and disciplinary issues as well as referrals.
  2. Provide counseling out-reach through disciplinary follow-up linking behavior, academic performance and attendance with parental involvement and the Individual Learning Plans.
  3. Harness MBI to help offset the current at-risk behaviors as identified by the 2012 Montana Prevention Needs Assessment and the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. 
  4. The District (by school) will research evidence-based programing  that can help identify scientifically based approaches to preventing and intervening at-risk behaviors.
  5. Follow through with  strategies identified in Goal Area 5: Student Centered Positive Climate and Culture in the District Strategic Plan 2011-2016

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTION: School Wide Program: Strategies to Address Student Needs, Opportunities for Student Proficiency through professional development opportunities.

  1. Provide staff development and support through an instructional facilitator (coach) for embedded instruction and practice for the successful implementation of academic objectives 1-9.
  2. Provide substitute teachers to allow for professional development opportunities for the implementation of academic objectives 1-9.

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ACTION: The District (by school) will develop a school wide plan for improvement. Each school improvement team will be lead by the principal.

Increase administrative leadership and direction setters for implementing a working school improvement process.

Develop and identify a comprehensive school improvement planning team.

Develop and conduct a comprehensive needs assessment survey.

Collect comprehensive needs data from multiple sources to identify the most important needs within the school. The data should focus on five specific areas: student achievement, curriculum and instruction, professional development, parental and community involvement, and school perspective and organization.

Develop a Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
The School Improvement Plan is designed to help facilitate systematic change in the entire educational program of high-poverty, at-risk schools. The purpose of this systematic change process is to increase the academic achievement of educationally disadvantaged

PARENT & COMMUNITY ACTION: The District will increase parent and community awareness and involvement.  as well as  administrative leadership and direction setters for implementing a working school improvement process.
Involve parents in the programs, plans and interventions of their children. (See item 7 of the Student Achievement Plan).

Provide Parent/Guardian training opportunities for using the student information system twice every year (once per semester).

Host Fall, Winter and Spring Community Awareness Meetings to review scores outcomes and data.

Design, distribute and collect a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey once every three years. (See item 1 of the School Improvement Plan)

Design, distribute and collect a post graduate survey once every three years.

Follow through with  strategies identified in Goal Area 4: Community/Communication in the District Strategic Plan 2011-2016.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Inaugural Mission Valley All-Star Volleyball Classic

On Thursday, November 15, 2012 the Inaugural Mission Valley All-Star Volleyball Classic took place here at the Mission High School Gym. It was a great evening of volleyball that showcased the best area volleyball athletes. Special thanks to all of the coaches and individuals who made this possible. Below are photos of the athletes and their respective teams. If you would like to download one of these photos for free or would like to order prints, please go to: MISSION POSSIBLE PHOTOGRAPHY.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

I am please to announce a prominent improvement in student attendance figures at Mission schools this year. With the help of community organizations, the teachers, the staff, the Parent Teacher Organization and the Indian Education Committee the message that "Attendance Matters" through our "TOP DAWG" initiative has been received by parents and students alike. The percent of students in attendance has significantly improved. All Mission schools average over 98% of our students in attendance this 2012-2013 school year. This is a 5% increase from years past.


2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2012
HS 98.64% 94.08% 93.19%
MS 98.23% 93.30% 94.12%
ELEM 98.48% 92.41% 93.06%

98.45% 93.26% 93.46%

As a K-12 District, we will again ask students to CROSS THE LINE to where there is a greater chance to make good things happen (better results, better relationships, more responsibility) by coming to school everyday. This is where they will find those people they admire. Those that choose to commit, work hard, focus and bounce back. On the other side there is a less of a chance. Coming to school everyday is a Declaration of Contribution by students and staff alike.

The TOP DAWG initiative began a year ago. It provides an immediate reward system to improve student attendance and to spark an intrinsic motivation to be present. The initiative encourages students to come to school everyday, finish what they have begun and know that there are people who care and are willing to help them.

We invite the community to join our Top Dawg Celebration of not only attendance, but academic achievement as well . Simply come to the High School Office around 8:45 AM and get a visitor's pass and join us in the gym at our next Top Dawg Assembly on Friday, November 9, 2012 at 9:00 AM.


Friday, October 5, 2012


When: October 12-18, 2012
Why: To honor alumni of St. Ignatius and celebrate our school pride and colors
Definition (according to Wikipedia) Homecoming is an annual tradition of the United States.  People, towns, high schools and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents. It is built around a central event, such as a banquet and, most often, a game of American football, or, on occasion, basketball, ice hockey or soccer. When celebrated by schools, the activities vary widely. However, they usually consist of a football game played on a school's home football field, activities for students and alumni, a parade featuring the school's marching band and sports teams, and the coronation of a Homecoming Queen (and at many schools, a Homecoming King). A dance commonly follows the game.

Mission's celebration is not far off of the Wikipedia definition. Below is the schedule of events.  We invite the community and our stakeholders to join us in this celebration.  GO BULLDOGS!


  • Kick Off/Student Assembly: 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM in the High School Gym
  • Locker Decorating begins and are judged after lunch on Thursday
  • Dress Up Day: "Decade Day"
  • Spirit Competition: CAR PUSH 8:45 AM until 9:15 AM
  • Food Drive begins
  • Dress Up Day: "Circus/Crazy Day"
  • Spirit Competition: DODGE BALL 9:20 AM - 9:45 AM
  •  Locker Decorating Continues
  •  Homecoming Volleyball vs Arlee
  • WHITE OUT (Game attire for everyone is WHITE): "Say it! Fight it! Cure it! For Les Rice.
  • Introduce Royalty: 6:30 PM (before the Varsity match)
  • Dress Up Day: "Super Hero/Villain Day"
  • Spirit Competition: MINUTE TO WIN IT 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
  • Locker Decorating Continues
  • Dress Up Day: "Color Wars"
    • Seniors: Purple
    • Juniors: Red
    • Sophomores: Pink
    • Freshman: Green
    • Staff: White
  • Spirit Competition: Lovers Leap 11:10 AM - 11:40 AM
  • Locker Competition judged at noon
  • Pep Bus to Loyola Volleyball: Leave time 5:30 PM (student sign up is in office)
  • Dress Up Day: "Bulldog Day" (Blue & White)
  • 8:30 AM Class Meetings
  • 8:45 AM Class Skit and float prepartion
  • 11:00 AM Class Skit Presentation: 
  • 11:30 AM Royalty Formal Dress
  • 12:00 Senior Athlete Honoring
  • 1:00 PM Elementary/Middle and High School Pep Assembly in Gym
  • 1:20 PM Line up for parade
  • 1:30 PM Parade
  • 2:10 PM Booster Treats
  • Homecoming Football Game vs Deer Lodge
    • Half-time: Announce Class Winners & Crown Royalty
  • Homecoming Dance: After the football game in the Elementary Gym (Sponsored by FCCLA)

Thursday, September 20, 2012


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Luck is not chance, it's toil. Fortune's expensive smile is earned  a quote by American poet, Emily Dickinson encourages us to move from one side of a line, to another, and pass over mediocrity. Students and teachers have been challenged to cross the line.

This is an initiative that was introduced to the students and the teachers to encourage everyone to make choices to commit, work hard, focus and be resilient. It is based on the notion that with everything there is a line. On one side, there is a better chance that good things will happen. On the other side, there is less of a chance.

This school would like everyone to make a choice to cross over to the side of the line where better, more meaningful things can happen. Making good things happen is often the result of choice, not luck.  There is always a line, and it can be crossed.

This photo depicts the choice to WORK HARD. As you may have heard before, the secrete to success is: Learning takes work! Good things are rarely cheap or easy. Focused effort and attention are fundamental behind everything. "There are no quick fixes. There are no silver bullets. Earn your results and push yourself more often than not. That's how you create something special (and that's what you want)" by Sam Parker.

Mission Possible: Push your luck and cross the line.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The Cross Country Team posted individual records on September 15, 2012 at the Ronan Golf Course. Paden Alexander placed third overall and also had a personal best. Congratulations to all of the Bulldog Athletes for their accomplishments and self improvement. OHhh Yeah!!!

 Click "Read More" to see additional pictures

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mission Mantra "OHhh Yeah!"


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

Mission students unveil a new mantra for celebrating success! At the TOPDAWG Assembly on Monday, September 10 "OHhh Yeah" was introduced as a new action for celebration. When Bulldog fans are called to action by voice: "ARE YOU READY!" you will hear and see a proactive reply from Mission students. Student will stand and reply "OHhh Yeah!" This affirmation of school spirit and support goes beyond the extra-curricular setting. It is a positive anchor that all Bulldogs are encouraged to use to promote success and positive choices. 

“OHhh Yeah” has gained student popularity overnight (Monday to Tuesday). In this short amount of time, I have had several adults relate the slogan to the  1954 Kool-Aid Man.  In order to give due credit, I want to clarify the origin of "OHhh Yeah!" as presented at Monday’s TOPDAWG Assembly and as seen at the last nights volleyball match against rival Ronan (congratulations Lady Bulldogs on your 3 set victory). At least, I can tell you where the notion came from.
The etymology of "OHhh Yeah" according to Lewandowski (me): It is a colloquial term used by professional wrestler Randy "Macho Man" Savage of the World Wrestling Federation beginning in 1985. He won six world titles. Savage was the greatest champion of all time, the professional wrestling credits him for bringing "a higher level of credibility to the title through his amazing in-ring performances." Savage was recognizable by wrestling fans for his distinctively deep and raspy voice, his ring attire, intensity exhibited in and out of the ring, and his signature catch phrase, "Ooh yeah!"

The Kool-Aid Man is kinda cool (I guess), but is not responsible for the Mission "OHhh Yeah" as introduced. The Kool-Aid Man isn't tough enough for Mission. Macho Man didn't drink Kool-Aid and crash through foam walls, he ate "Slim Jims" and had a giant charisma that propelled him to the top of the performing arts finest champions: the WWF. The Mission “OHhh Yeah” is more than rescuing someone as seen by the Kool-Aid Man. The actions are as important as the words. Forming a big “O” with your arms and bringing them down to your waist with a powerful flex as you say “OHhh Yeah” is an action of the mind, body and school spirit that says we are Bulldog proud and ready! 

"OHhh Yeah" is all about celebrating lines that need to be crossed and those crossed over!  In other words, it can be used when facing challenges or celebrating success! It is charismatic by nature and action, just like the Macho Man.  One can hardly help saying the phrase without intention: It is a DECLARATION OF CONTRIBUTION!  It is Mission's Mantra used to celebrate.  LOOK for it at all Mission activities near you!

OHhh Yeah!
Have a great day!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I had several opportunities to take a few pictures during the morning practices of the volleyball and football programs. I will try to get out to a cross-country practice next week. It is hard not to get excited about the start of a new school year during the fall practices. They are the first sign of students indicating that school is around the corner. I am looking forward to the students and the first day back to school on MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 2012 at 8:20 AM. 

If you would like to read additional information on our Activity and Athletic Programs, please visit the Bulldog Activities and Athletics blog. In the mean time, please enjoy the photos of our student athletes! NOTE: There are over 50 photos. Click READ MORE at the bottom of this post to see them all.

Click READ MORE to see additional photos.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Substitute Training Opportunity

The District would like to invite all interested substitutes for 2012-2013 to attend a training this coming Monday, August 20, 2012 from 8:30 AM until 12:00 noon in the Elementary Computer Lab. Please report to the Elementary Office for directions and information. Below is a tentative agenda for the training. If you have any questions please contact the Elementary Office at (406)745-3811 extension 302.

8:30-9:00                  Welcome & Introductions, Handbooks distributed
9:00-10:00                Substitute Teacher Handbook
·      Signing in/out
·      Attendance and Tardy procedures
·      Lesson Plans
·      Photocopying
·      Communication
·      Student Supervision
·      Student Discipline
·      Emergency Procedures
·      Mandatory Reporting
·      Confidentiality
·      Other procedures
10:00-10:15             Break
10:15-10:45             Campus Tour
10:45-11:15             Scenarios and discussion
11:15-11:30             Questions

Fall Varsity Athletic Schedules for 2012

The 2012 Fall Varsity Athletic Schedules for Cross-Country, Football and Volleyball are located on the column to the right of this post. Please click on the appropriate page for detailed information. You may also visit the Bulldog Activities and Athletics blog and the St. Ignatius Website for Athletic Calendar information.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to School Reminders & Communication Channels

The District would like to invite all students who did not attended the St. Ignatius Schools last year to please register at the appropriate locations: All elementary students (grades kindergarten through five) need to register at the Elementary Office located at 300 Blaine Street. In coming kindergarten students must be five (5) years or older by September 1, 2012 to register. Middle school and high school students (grades six through twelve) need to register at the High School Office located at 76 3rd Avenue.

In addition to registration, here are a few items you may want to put on your calendar. The district will also be using the automated phone system and its Facebook page ( provide additional notifications for individual events. I encourage you to also visit the Bulldog Activities and Athletics Blog for more information on the extra-curricular offerings at St. Ignatius. All of this information and more can be found at the St. Ignatius School District #28 Website. When you are not able to find the information you need, we encourage you to call the District at 406-745-3811. We will do everything possible to best serve the needs of our students and community.


·      Aug. 13: Fall Sports Begin
·      Aug. 20: Substitute Training
·      Aug. 21-22: Optional PIR for Teachers
·      Aug. 23-24: District PIR (Teachers begin contractual year)
·      Aug. 27: First Day of School (8:20 AM)
·      Aug. 28: MAP Testing Begins
·      Sept. 3: Community Breakfast
·      Sept. 10: Top Dawg Assembly
·      Sept. 12: IEC Meeting (5:30 PM HS Commons)
·      Sept. 14: NO SCHOOL, Tribal PIR
·      Sept. 18: Board Meeting

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fall Activities Reminder

I want to remind all students and parents that on Monday, August 13, 2012 Fall Sports officially begin. There are Activity Meetings taking place this week on Monday and Thursday evenings. For more information on the requirements for participation and meeting dates and times, please go to the Bulldog Athletic and Activities Blog.

You may also visit the District Website for additional information. Or you may go directly to Activity Handbook and Physical Forms required for participation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Hires for 2012-2013

It is my pleasure to introduce the new hires for the 2012-2013 school year by the St. Ignatius School District #28. We are excited about the expertise and passion that they will bring in serving our students in the year to come.
  • Activity Director: Mr. Richard Ferris
  • Math/Instructional Facilitator: Mr. Richard Ferris
  • Elementary Physical Education & Health/Instructional Facilitator: Mr. Marc Cutler
  • Elementary Math & Literacy Support Specialist: Mrs. Kirstin Hawkaluk
  • High School Head Cross-Country Coach: Mr. Marc Cutler
  • Middle School Boys Basketball: Mr. Dan Durglo
  • Middle School Girls Basketball: Ms. Leah Dahlin
 Please give these individuals a warm Mission welcome when the opportunity arises.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bulldog Activities and Athletics Blog Site

The District has just created a blog for our Extra-Curricular Activities program. The blog will contain important information for both players and parents throughout the year. Coaches will post practice schedules, game departure times and game results. Summer camps and open gym opportunities will also be posted. Go to Bulldog Activities and Athletics to view current posts and activities.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Congratulations to Paden Alexander for winning the 3200 m run at the Montana State Track & Field Meet at Bozeman High School's Van Winkle Stadium on May 25-26, 2012. Below are 24 pictures I took of the race in chronological order.

WELL DONE PADEN! Congratulations to you and your family!


Planting Seeds of Knowledge: Germination In The 4th Grade

The Fourth Grade Class under the instruction of Mr. Tim Krantz shared a science project with me a little over a week ago. I took some photos and asked Mr. Krantz if any of his students would like to be a guest blogger and write about the experience that we could share on my blog. After talking to his class, Mr. Krantz came back and said a number of students were excited about the opportunity and submitted work to be considered. Therefore, without further explanation, I am proud to introduce my 4th Grade guest blogger: River Gonzalas.

First Nancy Schwietzer the governor's wife gave us planters and seeds. The second thing we had to do was study about the plants, the germination, the depth and how far away from each row you need to plant them.  Then we went outside and filled our planters with soil. Finally we put the seeds in it. I put carrots, radish, spinach and cilantro in my planter. Everyday for four days we took them outside and watered them. We put plastic wrap on them to keep the condensation in there like a green house. Then the weekend came, Mrs. Linda Snyder volunteered to let us keep the planters in her classroom. Mr. Krantz let the boys and girls take turns taking care of them. Finally Mr. Krantz arranged for Mr. Young and his students to help divide the planters so we could each have our own planter. I am glad I had this experience with my friends, classmates and teacher!  - River Gonzalez

Process Chart by 4th Grade Student Creedince Hammond.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The Mission, Arlee and Charlo (MAC) girls softball team won 3rd place at the Montana State Tournament last weekend. Congratulation girls, well done! You make Mission proud! Special thanks to Mr. Bruce Nerby for sharing the photos.