Friday, December 20, 2013

Missoula Youth Orchestra Performs for Grades 3-8

 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

Musical Director Kirk Easter of the Missoula Youth Orchestra 6-8 , son of our District Clerk Neil Easter, brought the Spirit of the Season to our community with music performed in the St. Ignatius Mission. Grades three through eight attended the performance.

Special thanks to Kirk Easter and the Missoula Youth Orchestra 6-8 for sharing with our community.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Quality School Grant Underway

 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 On April 26, 2013 Governor Bullock signed house bill HB 15 into law. HB 15 appropriated the funds for the Quality School Grant Program for the 2015 biennium for public infrastructure projects.

Our district was awarded a portion of this competitive grant for $534,590.00. We were able to win this grant by first being awarded the Planning Grant for $25,000.00 through the Montana Department of Commerce in 2012. Planning Grant allowes our district to obtain the needed facility assessments and scores to competitively apply for the Quality Schools Grant.

This has been a long process, but is much needed by our district. I am extremely happy that we were able to win and secure this grant for our students and community. A half-a-million dollars is a lot of money. The Quality Schools Grant will allow our district to address the envelop needs of the middle and high schools. The much needed funding will fix roof problems, window and many of the exterior needs of our school.

The pictured rendering shows the planned construction that will begin early this spring and is set to be completed before the 2014-2015 school year.

Board Agendas Now Available on Line

 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 Even though the School District has been paperless for the past three years, it is leveraging the power of the Internet to radically improve the governance process while saving time, taxpayer dollars and the environment. This new eGovernance initiative is a remarkably powerful, easy-to-use solution that enables the District to maximize the effectiveness of board meetings with increased transparency, providing a basis for better and more open communication with the public, while dramatically increasing productivity and saving thousands of dollars annually.

The paperless meeting solution is a 100% Web-based service. By making meeting agendas and supporting documents available on the Internet, St. Ignatius Schools will be able distribute documents associated with board meetings more quickly and efficiently, at a dramatically reduced cost to the organization.
Electronic distribution will not only save time and resources, but it will also provide unprecedented public access via the St. Ignatius School’s Web site to agenda items and other governing body-related information. This process will allow interested parties to review information prior to board meetings. All documents associated with the meeting are automatically archived and can be accessed by meeting date or by using the system’s comprehensive search feature.
The new eGovernance features can be accessed via the District’s Web site at under the “School Board” tab, or for direct access to the District’s Board Agendas go to:
We hope you find this new tool useful and informative.


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 On December 5, 2013 the Administrative Team presented the Mission Indian Education Report to the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribal Council. The report was well received by the Council. The following video outlines the content presented. Please share and enjoy!

Christmas and Holiday Wishes

We wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and happy New Year!

 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 The St. Ignatius Administrative Team (Front row, left to right): Administrative Assistant RaSena Christopher, District Clerk Neil Easter, Elementary Principal Tammy Demien; (Second row): High School Principal Jason Sargent, Maintenance Director Steve McCollum, Assistant Clerk Adam Hawkaluk, Superintendent Bob Lewandowski; (Back row): Middle School Principal Dan Durglo, Activity Director Rich Ferris and Technology Director Matt Lyon.

Break begins on Friday, December 20, 2013  at 2:15 PM
School Resumes on January 6, 2014 at its regular times.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 



That is right, December 7, 1941. This was the very day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. On that day in history, we see our very own, Business Clerk here in the district: Neil Easter.  The caption says it all:

Sleepy Shopper - He was just a little tike of three and a half. His little legs wouldn't stand up, like those of the big folks, for a very long shopping trip. So he decided to take a little nap. Which he did at a downtown bookstore despite milling crowds of Saturday afternoon Christmas shoppers. 

The boy is Neil Easter, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Easter, 537 South Eighth street, Hamilton, Ohio. He was with his mother who came up to Richmond to do her shopping, she said "He was tired and after making sure that I'd be somewhere around, decided to sit down. First thing I knew he was fast asleep," Mrs. Easter said.

And he stayed asleep despite smiling, tip-toeing customers and popping flashbulbs. When his mother was ready to leave she had to rouse him. But he was asleep again the minute his head touched her shoulder.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I worked with Activity Director Rich Ferris to developed a Winter Sports Calendar for Wrestling, Boys & Girls Basketball. We were very fortunate to have a number of community businesses and members support our teams and purchase posters to put up in their establishments. The proceeds will be used to off-set unforeseen costs like the new track program here at Mission.

I would like to thank all of those that pitched in to help make this endeavor successful. It is great exposure for our senior athletes as well as our school and community. Now lets get our fans to sequel this effort and come out and support our kids. See the schedules for times and dates.


Girls can play the game too! Second grader, Izabel Evans won the Punt Pass & Kick Championship  and attended the Monday Night Football game at Seattle where the Seahawks embarrased the New Orleans Saints 34-7. Izzy won the Girls 6 & 7 year old division just as easily, out distancing the runner-up by 42' 2".

It is great celebrating a CHAMPION! Well don Izzy Evans! OHhh Yeah!!

Izabel Evans: 1st Place Punt Pass & Kick. Punt: 36'10", Pass: 36'3", Kick: 32'2".

Monday, November 4, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

I am rarely surprised, but today Fifth Grade Teacher, Lloyd Phillips, called me to his classroom and said that he had something for me. Friend of the Phillips Family, Anthony Patch, Director of College Scouting for the Philadelphia Eagles hooked Lloyd up with his request. Lloyd told Anthony about the Kansas City Chief crazed superintendent that he worked with knowing that Patch worked closely with Andy Reid while Andy was the head coach at Philadelphia. I am not sure of the details shared with Anthony by Lloyd, but I am shocked by the results. Anthony sent Lloyd a Kansas City Chiefs hat, shirt and a signed photo to give to his superintendent.  WOW! It is truly the little things that make a difference.

All I have to say is Lloyd Phillips, you are the BOMB! Anthony Patch, thank you for making him look so good! AND, Andy Reid, thank you for looking out for those that have served you. MOST OF ALL, my prayers to you, Andy, and your family concerning the loss of your son Garrett.

Coach Reid, your success is proof that you can't keep a good man down! This signed photo will be framed and hung in my office as a reminder of perseverance, resiliency and leadership.

Coach Phillips, thank you for being the difference! This autographed photo will serve as a reminder of kindness, support, belonging and friendship (the stuff that makes resiliency possible).


9-0 Baby!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Have a fun and safe Halloween Two Thousand Thirteen!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 The Eddie EagleGunSafe® Program teaches children in pre-K through third grade four important steps to take if they find a gun. These steps are presented by the program's mascot, Eddie Eagle, in an easy-to-remember format consisting of the following simple rules:

If you see a gun:

Don't Touch.
Leave the Area.
Tell an Adult.

Eddie Eagle and St. Ignatius Police Chief Jeff Ferguson and County Deputy Sheriff Clay Shoemaker presented this message to our lower elementary. 

Thank you Eddie and Officer Ferguson and Shoemaker.

Friday, October 4, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 Get ready and buckle up for the monthly Community Breakfast on Monday, October 7, 2013 starting at 7:30 AM until 9:00 AM. 
This is our monthly opportunity to communicate with students, parents and the community at large about Mission Schools. 
Topics of discussion vary from District and School Improvement Goals, Initiatives, Friday Night activities, supplemental education programs to Title services and budgets.  Our slide and video presentations showcase Mission students and community. We INVITE YOU to join us and be a part of MISSION POSSIBLE!
See you Monday over a cup of Coffee and hot breakfast (biscuits & gravy)!
NORMAN ROCKWELL MOMENT: Mission middle school student making some final adjustments before the snap of the ball.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 It was a privilege to honor District Clerk, Neil Easter at the Homecoming Assembly last Friday afternoon. He is definitely a "rock." The entire school district, K-12, gave Neil a standing ovation for his loyal dedication and unwavering commitment to Saint Ignatius Public Schools!

We thanked Mr. Easter for his outstanding contributions toward our school over the past 29 years and for making it stand above the rest.  

Once again, thank you NEIL EASTER, for MAKING THE DIFFERENCE!

Monday, September 30, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 The School District is leveraging the power of the Internet to radically improve the governance process while saving time, taxpayer dollars and the environment. This new eGovernance initiative is a remarkably powerful, easy-to-use solution that enables the District to maximize the effectiveness of board meetings with increased transparency, providing a basis for better and more open communication with the public, while dramatically increasing productivity and saving thousands of dollars annually.

The paperless meeting solution is a 100% Web-based service. By making meeting agendas and supporting documents available on the Internet, St. Ignatius Schools will be able distribute documents associated with board meetings more quickly and efficiently, at a dramatically reduced cost to the organization.

Electronic distribution will not only save time and resources, but it will also provide unprecedented public access via the St. Ignatius School’s Web site to agenda items and other governing body-related information. This process will allow interested parties to review information prior to board meetings. All documents associated with the meeting are automatically archived and can be accessed by meeting date or by using the system’s comprehensive search feature.

The new eGovernance features can be accessed via the District’s Web site at under the “School Board” tab, or for direct access to the District’s Board Agendas go to:

We hope you find this new tool useful and informative.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It is always a pleasure to be able to recognize our senior athletes. Just recently I teamed up with our Activity Director Rich Ferris and Technology Director Matt Lyon and took some promotional photos of our football and volleyball senior athletes. I took the pictures on the stage and then in cooperation with Matt Lyon we were able to do some creative photoshop work in the background.

Once again, we believe that it is important to provide multimedia products to affirm, commemorate and permeate the positive student experience here at Mission Schools. I think these photos are an example of just that.

If you would like to download a high resolution photo, please go to our Mission Possible Photography site where you can find these and other other photos.

2013 Senior football Players: Ryce Hegwood, Patrick Eichert and Jarred Brown.

2013 Senior Volleyball Players: Courtney Charlo, Gina Linsebigler, Kaylie Durglo and Kayla Billette.
Congratulations and good luck seniors!


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 BACKGROUND HISTORY: Two years ago the Playground Equipment Team efforts were stalled by lack of resources and grant follow up to make their work a reality. Today, there is a greater need and urgency than every before with larger class sizes and small classrooms as well deteriorating equipment to provide adequate equipment for our children to exercise and play. The District Office is determined to seek and find grant opportunities that will make our efforts a reality. The BOARD has made a financial commitment for individual efforts: in coordination with the Board, an individual(s) writing an awarded grant will be paid 7% of the awarded grant for playground equipment (see me for details). 

With the recent addition of additional personnel to the District Office, we too will make every effort to write and receive the needed grants.. NOW IS THE TIME!

MOVING FORWARD: The Playground Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 1,  2013 at 3:30 PM on the Stage in the Multi-Purpose room to review grant possibilities and vendors. I am inviting parents, teachers and the community to join us. I believe it will take approximately $160,000 to provide the needed playground equipment at both the lower elementary and upper elementary playground. I hope this effort will be embraced community-wide. Our success in these matters is of great importance as the playing areas for our youth are very limited in St. Ignatius. Let's kindle an enthusiasm that will lead us to this goal. 

FIRST STEP: Attend the meeting and keep an open mind to all possibilities. 

Here is the AGENDA:

  1. Affirmation of Playground Committee
  2. Review of the past efforts to present
  3. Research and Direction Setting
    1. Available Grants 
    2. Board & Administrative Approval Process of Grants
  4. Other
See everyone on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

FLOWERS vonHoltum

Special thanks goes to Dorothy vonHoltum for the beautiful flowers she dropped by the office on Tuesday! Her home labor and toils to grow this arrangement are much appreciated by the District Office Staff! She is our "Little Flower." It is the little things that make a big difference.

Friday, August 30, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 Over the last three years St. Ignatius students have indicated tremendous progress on the Mont CAS assessment and the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) growth assessment. The outcomes have been phenomenal. It goes to show what HARD WORK, FOCUS and COMMITMENT can yield. Our school district has CROSSED THE LINE to excellence. In fact, I am not sure if there is another district in the state that can show the marked improvement that this district has made; especially when considering the unique challenges we face. I am convinced that our strategic planning, school improvement goals, initiatives and follow through are difference. We are a system of best practices that focus on what is BEST FOR KIDS!

Below is a brief explanation of our testing results. I think you'll find our trend line for academic success is going up and connecting with our district's vision of excellence.

The Mont CAS scores below are taken from the Montana Analysis Reporting System (MARS). The Mont CAS is a criterion reference test (CRT). It measures student progress in terms of meeting identified standards or criteria. Identified standards are the minimal criteria that a student should know or be able to demonstrate at a given grade level. 
Students are indicating marked improvement on the Mont CAS in READING with 9% more student indicating proficiency since 2011. This test is taken by all 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 grades.
Some of the largest gains in READING are seen in our sub groups. Since 2011, Native American proficiency or above has risen by 11% (70%-81%); Economically Disadvantage students scoring proficiency or above has risen by 13% (71%-84%); and Students with Disabilities scoring proficient or higher has risen by 11% (54%-65%).
Our students' MATH proficiency is more remarkable than in READING. Our two year growth indicates that 17% MORE students are scoring proficient or higher on this assessment. 
 Closing the gap between all scores and sub groups has been a focus. The MATH scores indicate that since 2011, Native American proficiency or above has risen by 12% (51%-63%); Economically Disadvantage students scoring proficiency or above has risen by 16% (72%-68%).

Measured Academic Progress (MAP) scores use norm reference data to identify individual growth targets. These growth targets are based on national testing results. The intention of this instrument is to measure GROWTH regardless to the individual's grade level competence and abilities. In other words, regardless to whether a child is an excellent student or a struggling student, each as a different growth target based on their ability compared with the rest of the nation.
Last year we saw the most significant improvement in READING on MAP; 57% of our student met their growth goal. We would like to see better overall improvement in READING, but are very please with the significant increase.
This is an area of massive improvement. I like to think that our staff and students are "ROCK STARS" when it comes to growth in Mathematics. Over the last two years, we have seen 31.1% more of our student meet their growth targets from 49% in 2011 to 80.1% this last year. ROCK STARS OF MATHEMATICAL PROGRESS!

This is another area of significant and substantial improvement. Over the last two years, 22.53% more of this district's students are reaching their growth targets (49.9% in 2011 to 65.43 in 2013). I know I have already use the word ROCK STARS, but these kind of changes are worthy of notice.
In closing, I want to apologize for bragging about the accomplishments of our students, staff and teachers...WAIT...No I don't! These people, and this community have excelled! They have embraced changes and the endless possibilities of learning. They are an example to follow.


If you like what you see, I  invite you to learn more about St. Ignatius District. Join our winning team.

NOTE: Growth and Enhancement of Montana Students (GEMS) data and Montana Analysis Reporting System data differences. Montana Office of Public Instruction explanation of why the data does not match up.

Monday, July 29, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 School is just around the corner, as summer draws to an end. My summer here in central office has been busy. The district has hired several individuals in response to resignations. We have hired an elementary principal, elementary teacher and a middle & high school counselor. We are excited about the talents as well as the passion that each of our new employees bring to Mission.
  • Elementary Principal: Tammy Demien
  • Elementary Teacher: Maria Stultz (Maria will be teaching Title I & Kirsten Hawkaluk as been reassigned to the 3rd grade)
  • Middle School & High School Counselor: Shannon Redman
Be sure to give them a warm Mission welcome if you happen to come across these individuals in our community.

Monday, June 3, 2013


by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

Below is a letter I sent the the parents and guardians of this year's graduating class. Since it takes a community to raise a child, I would like to share the same sentiments with all of those that contributed to the success of our graduating students. 
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
I wanted to take the opportunity to let each of you know how proud I am of the students graduating this year. The Class of 2013 has provided the highest standard of leadership for our school and community. There are five seniors that have athletic scholarships in this class alone. I can’t ever remember being at a school that has had such a high number of athletic scholarships.
Athletics are not the only thing this class excels at. This class is one of the highest scoring classes on our state assessments in recent history. The students that make up the Class of 2013 are smart, athletic, fun, diligent, kind and considerate of others. They are winners! Most important, they are a great group of young men and women! As their parents or guardians, I am sure you are so proud. Their peers, teachers, administrators and the community alike, will miss each of them next year.
I am looking forward to the ceremony on Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 2:00 PM to celebrate the Class of 2013. I especially look forward to shaking their hands. I also know they haven’t done all of this on their own; therefore, I just wanted to formally congratulate their families and YOU, the guardians and parents, for raising such fine, up-standing young men and women.
Thank you for everything you’ve done to contribute to the success of your child. It has been an honor to witness and share this success. Well done!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Culture Awareness Day

Ken McClure
 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 
Every year the district plays host to Culture Awareness Day. Students are able to attend a variety of culture sessions to expand their understanding of the world beyond the school itself. It is a great opportunity for our students to learn more about others and themselves. The day always ends in a "Spring Pow wow" held in the gymnasium. This year the district honored Ken McClure. 

For those of you that aren't familiar with a "pow wow" (according to Wikipedia): pow-wow (also powwow or pow wow) is a gathering of North America's Native people.  A modern pow-wow is a specific type of event where both Native American/First Nations and non-Native American/First Nations people meet to dance, sing, socialize, and honor Native American/First Nations culture. There is generally a dancing competition, often with significant prize money awarded. Pow-wows vary in length from one day session of five to six hours to three days. Major pow-wow or pow-wows called for a special occasion can be up to one week long.


Thursday, April 25, 2013


 by Superintendent Robert "Bob" Lewandowski 

 On April 21, 2013 at its regular meeting, the St. Ignatius School Board #28 selected OPTION #2 as the 2013-2014 CALENDAR.

Special thanks to the Calendar Committee for developing, surveying and providing valuable input and options for this selection process. The Calendar Committee  recommended the following calendar prioritization based upon their interpretation of the survey results: Calendar #3, #2, #1 and #4. The Board selected Calendar #2 as the most viable option noting there were more "dislikes" and "strongly dislikes" on Calendar #3 that #2.  If you would like to see the results go to: 2013-2014 Calendar Survey.

I would like to thank everyone for their input and time spent reviewing and filling out the Calendar Survey.

St. Ignatius School District #28

2013 -2014  School Calendar


170 Student Days; 183 Staff Days; Day Start 8:15 AM; Day End 3:30 PM; Calendar Start Day Aug 28; Calendar End Day June 6; Graduation June 7; 10 PIR Days; 9 School Improvement Half Days; 18 Partial Days; 3 Duty Free Day after each Quarter. 


Partial Days: These days are scheduled on Fridays and dismissal is at 2:15 PM.

School Improvement Half Days: On these days students will attend school until 12:30 PM. Staff will remain in school and continue with their professional responsibilities meeting with parents, school improvement teams, data collection and planning and preparation. These days will focus on school improvement through communication and collaboration efforts.

Duty Free Day: There is no school on these days for either staff or students; however, the time provides the opportunity for the professional staff to complete required documentation and paperwork at the end of each quarter.

Student Days: Days students will be in attendance at school.

Staff Days: Days scheduled for the professional staff.

PIR Days: Pupil Instruction Related professional development/training days. No school is scheduled for students.

Optional PIR Days: Days scheduled for the professional staff that may be substituted for State Professional Development on October 18-19. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The district would like to invite you to the St. Ignatius School Community Showcase on April 25, 2013 from 4:30 PM until 7:30 PM.  We are serving a FREE Spaghetti Dinner from 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM in the Mulch-purpose Room (Cafeteria).

There is a talent show, gift give-aways, book drawings and much, much more.

See you there!